The truth will set you free. But first it'll piss you off. Gloria Steinem
Why do you ask?
I test drove this today. I'm in love. Or lust. Somehow I can't find a way to justify the purchase but I brought a lot of pictures home with me. If I try hard enough I expect I'll fiture out a way to invent some elaborate justification.
It is sooooo much fun.
5:58 PM
Categories: fashion, Me, Self Indulgence
1. eco friendly surely.
2. you'll look smashing whilst riding it and that is akin to doing something for your fellow man.
3. the salesperson will make a commission and be able to feed his or her family.
4. you'll save money on gas and then you can donate the money to a good cause or support yarn producers.
should i go on?
Please do :)
5. baby jesus loves the vespas.
6. riding a vespa is actually a form of exercise because you have to lean when you ride one.
7. small children will be influenced by seeing cool people ride eco-friendly vehicles and this could lead to a change in the mindset of an entire generation.
8. i'm sure that ncc thinks that only pansies ride vespas, so every time you rode, you could be giving a subtle screw you to him.
Did you buy it yet?
Great job Kimmah!!!
And I'm going to try a few other brands first.
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